January means...

...the start of a new year, resolutions and goals, hopefully some good snow in the mountains, turning another year older, tax preparation, and reading lots and lots of garden magazines. I start out well enough in the early spring...reading them as they come through the post. But as the growing season unfolds, the pages to Gardens Illustrated, among others, do not. So now I have a stack of over 30 magazines to work through, many still in their plastic sleeves.

A list of magazines I subscribe to:

  • Gardens Illustrated
  • Garden Design
  • The English Garden
  • Dwell 
  • Can't be bothered with AD right now, too many adds!
  • Sunset and Horticulture are good ones, but I paused for the year.
  • As far as digital mags I check in with regularly (I feel like these are the obvious?): Contemporist, Designboom, Architecturelover.com, Dezeen, Yellowtrace.

What am I missing? Any Recommendations?