Eleven years ago I was talking with a good friend and classmate from university about starting an independent design school. It would be the Taliesin West of landscape and garden design. I was in my final year of my undergraduate studies and as we walked around campus, the plans for the school became more grand and more exciting. Around the same time we had contacted Dudley, a caretaker for a castle in Ireland whose gardens we were going to spend the summer restoring. Our ambitions were definitely running high though the castle project never happened.
Over the past few years I have felt a shifting was needed professionally but I haven't been sure what to shift to or from. Several weeks ago the idea to teach again came up in conversation and then I remembered my plans for a design school. And so the dream moves forward!
To start, I will begin teaching 3 day workshops tailored to the homeowner who wants to create a design themselves rather than hire a design professional. My minimum for a design is $5,000.00, but by providing a workshop environment, I can teach you how to create a design for yourself at a fraction of what it would cost to hire me to create a design for you. The workshop will take place in my home studio in Salt Lake City and will be capped at 10 students per section. My goal is to teach you how to think about your spaces, and how to make wise design decisions. I give you the tools to create your own landscape or garden and I will be there to guide you throughout the workshop. Workshops will be part-lecture, part-studio time, part-discussion. If you take WORKSHOP I, you will have a solid foundation from which to grow and build once the workshop is completed. If you add on WORKSHOP II you will receive more in-depth teachings and I will be there to guide you as you work through your design in the studio. For participants who don't have their own property yet, or who simply want to learn more about landscape and garden design (students and professionals alike), I will have a property for you to use for your design.
I will spend the fall and winter writing my curriculum and will begin teaching workshops March 2017. Below is a tentative breakdown of what is to come, subject to change. I will teach two WORKSHOP I's for every WORKSHOP II.
WORKSHOP I Section A and B
- Introduction: gardens and landscapes
- Creating a site plan and a program list
- Site inventory and analysis
- Mood boards and motivation
- Creating a foundation and a framework
- Common mistakes
- Studio time for design development
- The psychology of a space
- The personality of plants and how to use them
- Color and seasons
- Using natural light in the garden
- Japanese design principles translated for an American garden
- Group discussion from reading
- Studio time for design development
WORKSHOP I Section A: March 18th 10:00-1:00 PM, March 24 7:00-9:00 PM, March 25 1:00-4:00 PM. Cost $200.00 plus materials.
WORKSHOP I Section B: March 21st 6:00-9:00 PM, March 27th 6:00-8:00 PM, March 28th 6:00-9:00 PM. Cost $200.00 plus materials.
WORKSHOP II: April 8th 10:00-3:00 PM, April 15th 10:00-3:00 PM, April 22nd 10:00:-3:00 PM. Cost $300.00 plus materials.
There must be a minimum of 5 students registered for the workshop to take place.