“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
My last blog post was about work and the value of work in your life. But as they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy and Jane a dull girl.
I think it's easy to underestimate the value of play. Play for children, but also play for adults.
We live in a society that sometimes over-values work and working hard, values a career-oriented life. Now I do love a good work day and I can fall into the working-too-much camp just as much as the next workaholic. But as time tic-tocs onward, I am feeling that a life which doesn't include regular and hearty play has less dimension and richness. And maybe even less effective work.
I played a lot as a child. Sure I had school, homework, and chores. I was involved with organized sports as well, but I still had plenty of time for pure, unstructured play. Time for imagining worlds and living a million other lives. Spending my afternoons in nature where I touched dirt, leaves, tree branches and watched the clouds take and change shape. But somewhere along the way that lessened, and then lessened a lot more. I guess it's what we call growing up and being responsible. The bills must be paid.
Though, I think maybe we, or rather I, need to change my definition of what being responsible means. Because I think a responsible life probably includes plenty of play.
I have been hearing many reports recently about the high-quality education that Scandinavian countries achieve - and in all said reports, a big thing was lots of recess...much more than American schools allow. Could there he something to it? I think so. Definitely.