Pondering My Design Ethos



: the guiding beliefs of a person, group, or organization

Full Definition of ETHOS

:  the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution



  1. the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its attitudes and aspirations.

    synonyms: spirit, character, atmosphere, climate, prevailing tendency, mood, feeling, temper, tenor, flavour, essence, quintessence

As the school year comes to a close, I have been updating all of my social media sites/bios/profiles/etc. to reflect where I am at in life. Inchbald is slowly moving into the archives while new adventures await me and challenge my curiosity. 

Part of this updating-my-life is writing a new statement on my Profile Page on lorienhall.com. I have been doing some mental note taking these past several days as to what I want to say about who I am and what I believe as a landscape and garden design. What is my ethos?

A few key points come to mind as I have thought through this - I highly value raw nature - I want to work on projects connected to raw nature. And with interesting architecture. I value quality design, quality project management and quality materials. It doesn't need to be luxury, but well thought-out. I enjoy wonder and originality, while still feeling grounded and sensible. I want to be a part of a team that will do the job right, do the job justice and in doing so everyone involved feels a sense of accomplishment and pride. 

I want to work on projects and with clients who allow me to be a creative and work through the creative process properly...lots of time on site for understanding, time back in the studio/workshop building scratch models, exploring with materials and testing out ideas.

In effect, I want to be a part of something bigger than myself - something that will make an important difference to the lives of my clients and the lives of everyone I work with.

And to my own life as well. 

I don't know if I fit that all in, or any of it in for that matter in my new Profile - but this is what it now says:

I am interested in how light and shadow affects and creates spaces and atmospheres in the landscape. I design places that are their own – that when you are there, you couldn’t be anywhere else. And while designing original landscapes and gardens, I compliment the context they are found in and am inspired by the surrounding environment. Local materials and native plants are high on my priority list, but I leave room for responsible visitors.

I seek to collaborate with like-minded clients, architects, builders, and contractors who are dedicated to excellence in their craft, and realize that working with a united team is crucial to the success of a well-designed space.

As I am a part of the process - to create a vision and give it life, in which my clients and those they love rejoice in - then I know that being a designer is worth it.

What do you think? Maybe I should just copy and paste what I wrote in this post and use that instead! Ha. To see the profile in context, go to lorienhall.com and click on "profile" under the "info" tab.